Have you been spotted at Specs Optical? As you can see Kelly was spotted.
On June 28th you may have spotted Rama, of RAMASSIA in our shop. Ramassia is one of our distributors. Rama and his wife Assia, help us keep Kirk Originals, Theo and Anne et Valentin on our shelves. Rama is the son of Anne and Valentin. He took time out of his busy schedule to visit and show us some of the goods he reps. We were treated to a terrific dinner at La Chaya Bistro.
Maybe you spotted Renee Kraft, Tracy Terbell, Matt Braun, Bonnie Breeding, the Queen of England, Salvador Dali, or did you spot Elvis? You just never know who you will spot.
Shouldn’t you be spotted? Maybe in sunglasses by Tim Van Steenbergen, maybe a new Kirk Originals. Really, shouldn’t you be spotted in something by Specs Optical.