Specs Optical
would like to introduce
Dr. Chad Legois
We here at Specs Optical are thrilled to announce that there’s a new doctor in the house – please help us welcome Chad Legois, OD to the Specs family!
With over eleven years of experience, Dr Legois provides comprehensive eye examinations on patients of all ages including contact lens fittings and evaluations, if desired.
Additionally, Dr Legois also specializes in the treatment of anterior segment conditions (such as conjunctivitis (“pink eye”), allergic conditions, dry eye syndrome, contact lens related red eyes, etc.) along with the diagnosis and referral of posterior segment conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, etc.
Dr Legois is a proud provider of Medica, Health Partners, and Preferred One.
Call 612-374-2114 today to schedule an appointment!