Rocky Horror Show

The Lab Theater opened ‘Rocky Horror Show’ September 15th, featuring Don Shelby and costumes by Tulle and Dye (Ellen Roeder and Lyle Jackson). I have seen many of the wigs, shoes and costumes including Rocky’s little gold lame speedo. Lyle did some...


I went to the ‘Ivey Awards’, Minnesota’s version of the Tony Awards, this September.  On and off of the red carpet, I saw many faces I recognized from SPECS OPTICAL. I stayed off the red carpet (my luck is I would slip, trip and fall.) Many of our...

hand made, full page, on the stage

This caption from the article celebrates  people still doing custom hand made goods. Lyle is connected to SPECS OPTICAL in oh, so many ways. Tulle and Dye’s work has been out there, notably for several years in the form of the costumes for Daytons/Marshal...